tomorrow i move into my dorm...i'll miss the apartment...the showers are bigger, the kitchen (even if it is dinky) is apartment-mates own the TV...and no one else will be in the dorms till friday evening when the RA's come...i dont mind being alone...but to be the only girl in the whole huge building is going to freak me out!...
I'm not ready to move either...for instance, my laundry is still in the dryer from sunday...and my suitcase isn't really quite unpacked from my trip home 2 weekends ago...I ought have not gone to the film shoot last night...but i'm glad i did even if i didnt get home till 200...i worked sunday evening, so i had a few hours extra this week so i slept in a bit...of course, stacy (the personnel & Media Services office manager) still hasn't come in yet, so we opened late today...oops...nothing ever really happens here anyway...especially at 8 in the morning two weeks before school starts...
i'm not so mad at kehb any more...he took his stuff back...i was a bit rude to him when he called to ask if i needed a ride to church...and i think it snapped him back to reality and out of his own little self-pity world...we had a bit of conversation yesterday...totally normal conversation...i think i'll be ok...i think i did the right thing