
I'm lovin' it

Spring is here, the time of greener grass blossoming trees beautiful flowers new life and renewd allergies, and even though this weekend it has also brought incessant rain and dead worms all over the sidwalks, i'm not totally against it (just partly, its definately not my favorite season) but anyway, what else spring has brought is less clothes and more public manifestations of romantic affection. the title is a bit of sarcasm for you. I was talking to some guy friends last night abou the clothes or lack thereof that girls are wearign or not as the case may be...and it's a big deal to them...and that upsets me, consious or not girls who dress like that are beckoning more than warmer weather...and from what i can tell, couples are getting more talented...i'm good, but i dont think i can french kiss and walk at the same time...i wonder how long they had to practice THAT:)