I'm using Herman's computer right now...and there are boys running aroung getting ready for some ceremony or other...all I know is they're all dressed up nice...and im not really allowed to know what's going on...some fraternity initiation thing or another...whatever....all this makes little to no sense to me really, but wahtever...i htink im startign to understand why this is so important to brian though...and my it cant be put into words
it's definitely interesting being in a boys house...boys are so weird...that's all there is to it....
really I am having a wonderful time..i was nervous about meeting strange new people...and i have, but i'm ok with it so far...as long as noone really expects me to remember their names, it's not really fair, everyone i meet only has to know one name, and i have lost track of how many people i have met...
I left Kentucky thursday at 4..wellt hat's when my bus left, i left school at 230ish..and tha'ts the begining of my journey...i really should tell stories in chronological order...but what's the fun in that? huh?...none. That's what's the fun in that! At any rate...9 hours later i was in Pittsburgh...I love coming into Pittsburgh from the south, through the tunnel...and it' was night and all the sudden there's the city, all lit up and spread out in front of you jsut the way it should be...cause the tunnels come out of a hill overlooking the city...that's what i love about Pittsburgh, it's situated jstu right in the valley so that you can go up and see the whole thing all spread out....breathtaking really...i gsped when we came out of the tunnel, i had forgotten how beautiful it really was....i havent come into pittsburgh proper from the south in quite some time...
i met all sorts of fun people on the bus too....from Lexington i rode with Linda...she was a PK too...that was nice...then i switched busses and rode next to gina...she was nce but by that time it was 1030 so she slept the mjority of the way, i got lots of reading done....yay for me...which i ned to do some more of..i need to take a typing break and do osme reading..i'll finish my story later