
my today

nothing that i feel like writing about......that's all
last night, before my favorite boy called me, i had typed most of a really good entry updating the past few days...since i havent in awhile, and jut as i was about to finish up brian called and so i talked to him and ddindnt finish writing till about an hour or so later when i typed the last line and hit post....and Josie (my computer) tels me "canot find page"....so that great entry all aobut the second half of my week and whatnot is floating out there soewhere on the internet or stuck somewhere in Josies vast gigs of ram....oh well...i have 10 minutes before were leaving for church so lets see what i can retype in that time...
Last night was Jr/Sr...it was a good time, no dancing *gasp* of course but the dinner was good some chicken stuff with apple in the middle....VERY good....and dessert OH MY GOODNESS i may melt.....raspberry chocolate silky pie....soo rich i couldnt finish it...i came close though:) and it was fun to see everyone all dressed up...it was fun to dress up...wore my prom dress and did my hair up in a french twist with Sticks....and TONS AND TONS of hairspray and other styling gunk! I went with Tara...which was also lots of fun...no pressure to behave no boys to ompress, jsut the two of us being beautiful...
we went thursday to get her a dress, (despite the fact that she had FIVE hanging in her room:) what can i say girls arent always logical....but wait it gets worse:) we found the dress she got at the first place we went, but didnt buy it, what if there was something better at the mall?! so we went to the mall and walked it's full length almost 3 full times, and then she went back to the first store friday afternoon and got the first dress....
i got a dress too, i didnt need a dress, i really jsut needed shoes, (and a light bulb) but the dress was sooo cute andit was only $9.75....and cute...and strapless....i've never owned anyhting strapless before....ive tried stuff on before but ti always etierh totally flattesn me out....not like threes lots to flatten, or it would fall off....but this dress fits....


sometimes life escapes me...and i jsut seem to fall apart...for no real reason...it used to be much worse, like sever, but in a wya i alnmost prefered the old black days....i knew waht i was fighting...here, i jsut cant get motivated ad its not enough to quit over, but it seems to be too mcuh to jsut go on as though everything's fine....this time, i have the fact that a week from now, ill be at allegheny College with brian...but theres so much to do to get ready for that in the meantime...and i care i really do, but i cant seem to make myslef act like it....it's scary in a way....but it's me i guess...just who i am....oh well, i have to get up early to tackle it all so im headed to bed...i think KT's housesitting, so i have th room to myself..that'll be nice...i love alone time....



Spring Break Was Wonderful! i loved being home and seeing everyone cant think of anyone i didnt like seeing
i got to spend LOTS of time with brian somehow it hardly ever seems enough but i loved every minute and sometimes it's hard to balance that with my family...whom i love a lot a lot a lot a lot
a lot!!! I could have spent another week at home before i was ready to come back to school....but sadly hat luxuary i dont have...luckily in 2 weeks i'll see brian and in 3 i'll be home for Easter!!!
I didnt really accomplish anything...i should ahve done some schoolish stuff and some "taking care of stuff" stuff...and some other stuff....but instead i wasted time and slept in and hung out with brian...and went to the musical...sad story aobut the musical->brian and matt and i all met there...and then after words it snowed all icky and made the roads a sad mess and so we all jsut went straight home...and it was sad!...
wednesday i got to go to church and help out wiht awanas....cubbies to be specific...preschoolers for those who dodnt know the nomenclature...and that was fun...mat came to hurc and went with the youth to the nursing home...then of course stopped to give me a hug...if one more person asked me if he was a "special someone" thos morning...OYE!! and how do i answe that casue he is special...and he is soeone...but we're not dating...and other stupid things people ask...when i tell them I'm dating someone...they say "is it serious?" in this quite grave tone of voice....like dating is a kind of disease....
My grandparents Lane were supposed to come tuesday, but they didnt adn it was sad....but kind of not sometimes grandparents are stressful....shoot i forgot to all gramma Rita while i was home...shoot
yes i love home....jsut to bits and peices..i missed having abi there..but it was reALLLY nice to have my own room..ok tha's not all but im working ofr luicas tomorrow morning...and so now this princess is goingt o bed...g'night


dying down here

i cant wait till spring break! In less than 24 hours i'' be home...today has been rough....i think i literally failed my theology Exam....like for real...like by the schools numbers not my infloated standards....then i went to work and totally forgot a camcorder setup in the music building...and then i forgot to tear it down..my manager had to rmind me both times i told her she ought to just fire me...and i stillhave tons of stuff i want to do...i put my perspectives work off all week and now i'll have to haul those books home..i'll be lucky if i finish the 2 lessons that are due sunday so i ahve to finsh them before i go home so i kcan give them to mama Luci & papa chuck..let alone the one tha's due the day i get back....oye!....but less than 20 hours less than 20 hours.YAYAYAYAYYY

all about procrastination

im doing it...my roomate's doing it....my boyfreind's doing it....chances aer if youre reading this, you're doing it too! PEER pressure works!!


things my minion wants you to know

*note: the minion doesn't grovel anymore cause too often he hasto ORDER the princess around to doing her work

dedicated to my minion

yes, i have a minion...what princess is complete without one...he is one of the very special boys in my life...Today, i will blog about my minion, he felt sad that he was never rambled about in my ramblings...so i shall remedy that. i do what i can to make him happy...he makes me happy...my minion is matt. not the matt who goes to school here...he's my matt from Highschool...in highschool i was much more adament aobut my princessness....and my senior year matt was a freshman and he was good at groveling and he humored my "delusions of royalty" as he liked to call them...so we are friends..and he is my minion...he is cute and i love him....he doens grovel so much anymore(which is probly good), but he does still consistently call me princess(which is also good)...that brings me joy...he reasds my blog(makes me feel like typing her'es not wasted)...he also picks on my typing...mercilessly...and on me in gerneral....i think he likes to stir me up a little sometimes....he says astute things too....like after i saw the passion and was scaared that id have nighmares, he said to me. "have sweet dreams princess, tha's what all that violence was for"...if that doesnt sum up the movie, and Jesus, and the wonderfullness of it, i dont know what does....see hes smart...and he's a senior this year...im getting so old...hes gonna gradute...and be an eagle scout...yay for eaglescouts...and he knows aobut all sorts of things, like camping stoves....DID YOU KNOW THAT BACKPACKERS CARRY STOVES!!! aparently everyone but me knew this....but now i know too...i thought they jsut usesd fires and ate granola :-) ...my darling minion (sometimes i add darling to his title) told me that fires were inefficient and not low impact enough...go figure...wow this is geting long..see theres lots to say aobut my minion....but it's tomorrow already from when i started typing..adn i have to go to bed to get up early to do all that i have to do before i get to go home!!! (I'm riding wiht Kristen and Abby and we're leaving at 6 in teh mornign saturday...and brian's gonna come gget me in washington YAY)..but at any rate...i have a minion, and i'd be very sad if i ever lost him....(I love you matt)


beautifully random

so i got 12 hours of sleep last night!!...it was good...havent really done anythignthis morning though...that happens when yo dont get out of bed till 10:00...yes i was in bed beffore 10 last night....i was soo tired...i finished my ethics paper aobut 730 monday morning...so i was low on sleep....i love my roomate...yes that was random..i want to learn ballroomdancing...more randomness....and somehow everyhting always comes back to my chest, or the scent of my sweater...my roomate is very astute....
im randomsometimes
rightnow...besides trying to find a sweater that makes me happy and is clean...jsut about all i can think about is spring break...for a number of reasons...mosst of them are boys...two of those boys are related to me....one of those boys im very glad isnt:) cus etha'd jsut be grody!!...im also exctied about seeing my mommy...and ami....and that abi will be in Florida...im not excited about abi not being home...i am however excited aobut having my own room for a whole week!!!
today inphoto class, im going to make a print....two actually!...its exciting...


im such a bad student

so right now instead of writing my ethics paper, im watching rush hour 2, and writing this....this is easier to write then my ethics paper...AND Jackie Chan is sooo darn cute....i am halfway writing my ethics paper...and i have all day tomorrow...and i took a nap this afternoon so im good for hours yet...i'm a fine student really i am....i have to keep telling myself that....ive done so bad this semester getting stuff done...and i need to do better...so ima stop writing this now...and give at least half my attention to my ethical dilemma paper



im tired and grumpy a bit....and mostly i miss brian...pretty much tha's the end of my day...i got to work with matt tonight...thtat' was nice we dont get to talk much anymore...cause he' crazy and works too much...but rarely at teh same time and job as me...so it was nice to catch up a bit...htat wa sgood...but hten brian called when i was back and we didnt really connect...i miss him....realy i wish that i coud have sat at a sound job with im for 6 hours and jsut talked and joked and caught up..i miss him....so much...the juxtaposition mkaes it worse....do you knwo what juxtaposition means...if you do please e-mail me and let me know...i have little to no faith in the human race after watching the jaywalking section of Leno tonight..."let he who is without sin, stay away form las Vegas" OYE!! Now i have to do some of the stuff i didn't do earlier today..im sucha a bad person

some days

i am so bad...there is so much ineed to do...and yet it's kinda like getting out of bed in the morning...i have this process...regardless of wether i got 8 hours of sleep, i still just cant get myself out of bed some days....for instance, i set my alarm for 7 this morning and i got into bed at 11 ...8 hours right there...so 7 my alarm goes off and the process begins...the process ends at aobut 845..when i finally get all of me down out of my bed...15 minutes before i needed to be at work...i made it..im that good. ihave this whole getting ready in 10 minutes down to a science....but i tell you what...it was a 105 minute process this morning....i was not still tired...and there were things i could ahve accomplished in those two hours before work....jsut liek i have stuff to be doing now...not that HAS to be done now...but my life will be much nicer if i do it now....instead of this weekend....one f these days im gonna get my butt in gear



i saw the passion tonight...wow..thats the one word i have right now....it's jsut kind of beyond me...i am still kind of processing...i dont do violence or gore...i would usually have watched that whole movie with my eyes shut...but i kept them open the whole itme...i was surprised by how much i didnt cry...i sat there and shook...like silent sobs...but very few tears....i did cry durrign the one flashback when he fell....i kept my feet up on the seat the whole time after the snake came and I probly jumped athousand times...but it was amazing....His passion was not for death...He prayed that he wouldnt have to...but HIS passion was for ME...for the world...astounding...i dont think i will ever grasp that fully.....wer'e studying theories of atonement in theology class....but at this point I dont see how any of them matter....wow...


the real question is why does it have to be so hard to deviate form the templates they have created....WHY?...i am ok at basic HTML....but this site makes it so darn difficult!! I have to publish something any time i want to se what changes i made OYE!! AAAAAAAAH all my text turned PINK!!! oh not pink now but blue tha's hard to read.....aaah tha's better....makes me smiley...i was forgetting to close my font tags....DUH!...and i was not doing the prviewing right...so in conclusion all the confusion was jsut me making things harder than they needed to be....and over reacting and being dumb....i tend to do that :) but jsut when im beign girley....is there an e in girley or is it girly?...with all the typos i put in this thing you wouldnt think id even care



yup hiatus is the right word....not that anyone missed me...caue i didnt really ever tell anyone i had one efore ..i may now KT my beautiful wonderful roomate asked about it...and i got inspired....i forgot how much i miss typing...it really is a kind of release....i love tuesdays..i only have one class...and it's photography...not a blow off lcass but not a terribly academic one eeither...i never accomplish as much as i wnat to though....what am i the princess of...procrastination:) ask anyone...i did a speech on it once..wrote it the night befoer it was due....im proud of that...is that bad?:)....nothing to really write about...after last night (overreacting over emotional taking it out on people i care aobut) Today was wonderful...the sun shone..there were red beans and rice and ORANGE JELLO for lunch...i did well on my pho midterm...the sun is shining..and i actually did get some stuff i needed to done....and now i'm headed to bed....goodnight world..see ya tomorrow!